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Donald Trump Sondland confirms Ukraine deal, implicates Trump, Pompeo… and everybody

Donald Trump

Donald Trump Sondland confirms Ukraine deal, implicates Trump, Pompeo… and everybody

In an explosive testimony, Ambassador Gordon Sondland confirmed the alleged dealings with Ukraine and implicated “everyone” in the scheme, including President Donald Trump, Vice President Pence, Secretary of State Mike Pompeo, and Rudy Giuliani.Nov. 21, 2019

Donald Trump Sondland confirms Ukraine deal, implicates Trump, Pompeo… and everybody

Donald Trump

In an explosive testimony, Ambassador Gordon Sondland confirmed the alleged dealings with Ukraine and implicated “everyone” in the scheme, including President Donald Trump, Vice President Pence, Secretary of State Mike Pompeo, and Rudy Giuliani.Nov. 21, 2019

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