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Donald Trump Pence chief of staff: ‘Trump wants to prove his innocence’

Donald Trump

Donald Trump Pence chief of staff: ‘Trump wants to prove his innocence’

Donald Trump and many of his supporters in the government claim to want the president’s articles of impeachment to be sent to the Senate, and for there to be a Senate trial, despite the fact that many experts say significant witness testimony could be very damaging to Trump. Joy Reid and her panel discuss.Dec. 22,…

Donald Trump Pence chief of staff: ‘Trump wants to prove his innocence’

Donald Trump

Donald Trump and many of his supporters in the government claim to want the president’s articles of impeachment to be sent to the Senate, and for there to be a Senate trial, despite the fact that many experts say significant witness testimony could be very damaging to Trump. Joy Reid and her panel discuss.Dec. 22, 2019

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