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Donald Trump President Trump impeached for abuse of power

Donald Trump

Donald Trump President Trump impeached for abuse of power

For the third time in the nation’s history, the House of Representatives voted to impeach a sitting president, following a day-long debate on whether Trump violated his oath in pressuring Ukraine to damage a political opponent. The 230-197 vote to impeach President Donald Trump for abuse of power was almost entirely on party lines and…

Donald Trump President Trump impeached for abuse of power

Donald Trump

For the third time in the nation’s history, the House of Representatives voted to impeach a sitting president, following a day-long debate on whether Trump violated his oath in pressuring Ukraine to damage a political opponent. The 230-197 vote to impeach President Donald Trump for abuse of power was almost entirely on party lines and was to be followed quickly by a second vote on whether Trump obstructed Congress.Dec. 19, 2019

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