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Donald Trump The Fox News Rundown Extra: The Clinton Impeachment 21 Years Later

Donald Trump

Donald Trump The Fox News Rundown Extra: The Clinton Impeachment 21 Years Later

While most people’s attention this week was understandably focused on the impeachment of President Donald Trump, this past Thursday marked the anniversary of another historic political battle. On December 19th, 1998, President Bill Clinton became only the second U.S. President to be impeached by the House of Representatives. On The Fox News Rundown, we took…

Donald Trump The Fox News Rundown Extra: The Clinton Impeachment 21 Years Later

Donald Trump

While most people’s attention this week was understandably focused on the impeachment of President Donald Trump, this past Thursday marked the anniversary of another historic political battle.

On December 19th, 1998, President Bill Clinton became only the second U.S. President to be impeached by the House of Representatives.

On The Fox News Rundown, we took a look back at that time and examined how that partisan fight 21 years ago compared to the one we’re witnessing today.

Host Dave Anthony spoke with both Former Republican Senate Majority Leader Trent Lott and Former New Jersey Democratic Sen. Robert Torricelli who both took part in the Senate trial that followed Clinton’s impeachment.

They both shared their perspective on what was occurring behind closed doors and the responsibility they felt at the time.

Because of time, we could not include our full conversations with both Senators Lott and Torricelli, who both had very unique points of view on both the events of 1998 and today.

On The Fox News Rundown Extra you’ll our complete interviews with both former lawmakers. Besides additional stories from 21 years ago, both men offer advice to the Republican and Democrat Senators who will soon have to determine the fate of Donald Trump and his presidency.

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